Endocrinology MD Discloses: This Weight Loss 'Substitute' for Ozempic Targets the Same Hormone but Without the Associated Side Effects

Written By Rachel Bennett


Fact checked By Emily Reynold, MD



Last update January 12



6 min

Endocrinology MD Discloses: This Weight Loss 'Substitute' for Ozempic Targets the Same Hormone but Without the Associated Side Effects

Ozempic Alternative Targets Same Hormone, No Side Effects

"Did you know? More than half of all Americans, 55% to be exact, say they want to shed a few pounds.

A lot of these folks want to live a life where health and fitness aren’t constant worries.

Some are concerned about how people might judge them because of how they look.

There are also those who wish they could go to the doctor without having to hear about their weight,” explained Dr. Genesa Alvoiski, an Endocrinology expert.

Given these reasons, Dr. Alvoiski isn't shocked by the growing popularity of Ozempic at all.

What concerns her is the number of people using it for reasons other than what it's meant for.

“Firstly, Ozempic is a medicine for diabetes, not for losing weight. The FDA hasn't given the okay for it to be used for weight loss.

Secondly, some women have already reported serious problems from using it. I’ll explain more about this later.

Thirdly, I did a bunch of research to figure out how Ozempic really helps with weight loss.

And guess what I found? There's another way to achieve similar results that’s safe and doesn't involve any prescription medicine,” she shared.

"Before I talk about the other option, it's necessary to know how Ozempic helps with losing weight."

Dr. Alvoiski said that this medicine was first made to help lower blood sugar and A1C in people who have type 2 diabetes.

"So, how does Ozempic do this? It acts like a hormone we have in our bodies called GLP-1.

This hormone-like substance does three things:

  • It tells the pancreas to make insulin when blood sugar goes up.
  • It stops the liver from making too much sugar.
  • It makes you feel less hungry and slows down how fast food leaves your stomach.

And this last point is exactly why it helps with weight loss," Dr. Alvoiski explained.

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"When Ozempic makes food leave the stomach more slowly, it helps you feel full for much longer.

That's why people who take this medicine don't feel the need to eat as much or snack as frequently. 

Because you're not eating as much as before, you're taking in fewer calories.

So, you start to lose weight without feeling hungry or having food cravings because to your body, you’re already full. 

It might look like everything is perfect," the doctor said.

"But, it's not. People who have used Ozempic to lose weight are already talking about serious problems they've had."

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"Sadly, what I feared would happen is already happening, and it's affecting a lot of people.

There's a growing number of folks who used Ozempic for weight loss and are now dealing with terrible side effects," Dr. Alvoiski shared her worry.

And she's right. The internet is filled with stories like these:

"I used this medicine for one week, and I'm not joking when I say it was the worst and sickest I've ever felt. I can't grasp why any healthy person would use it to lose weight."

"The side effects hit me quickly and powerfully. If I ate more than a half a sandwich, I would feel so full that I was burping non-stop.”

“After 4 hours of taking the first dose, I had constant throwing up and diarrhea."

But these are just the short-term side effects from Ozempic.

"Let's talk about the long-term ones, which might include low blood sugar, kidney failure, and even cancer.

Even if there weren't any side effects, would you really want to use a medicine intended for diabetes forever?

Because when you stop taking Ozempic, the feeling of hunger and cravings come back quickly.

And so does the weight," the endocrinology expert explained.

"The alternative I want to talk about helps cut down weight in a similar way, but without these side effects."

"This safe option for weight loss involves something called probiotic strains, which also work with GLP-1.

Anyone who may doubt this might be surprised by the number of recent studies that substantiate the link. 

But to get back to my main point, probiotics don't cause side effects because they work with GLP-1 differently than Ozempic does," said Dr. Alvoiski.

Dr. Alvoiski explained that while Ozempic acts like this hormone, probiotic strains help the body produce it naturally.

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Because of this, GLP-1 doesn't go above normal levels.

This stops the side effects that usually happen with Ozempic.

"I don't want to use too many scientific terms.

So, I'll just say that probiotic strains help the body produce GLP-1 in both direct and indirect ways," Dr. Alvoiski explained.

She then quickly spoke about the doubts that many people might have.

One can’t deny that only a small number of those who’ve used probiotics before may have seen weight loss of the kind they’ve experienced with Ozempic.  

The issue is that not all probiotic supplements are made equal. 

To help the body make enough GLP-1 for  weight loss, it's not adequate  to grab any supplement from the store.

These types of bacteria not only need to pass through the digestive tract, but they also need to do so in large enough numbers.

And then, there must be a certain kind of these probiotic strains to directly help make GLP-1.

That's why picking the right probiotic supplement is so crucial."

"I recommend these probiotics to every patient who requests for Ozempic, and the responses have been extremely positive."

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"It's not a secret that people are now demanding Ozempic prescriptions from their endocrinologists - even though it's not meant for weight loss.

But instead of just saying no, I always tell them about the side effects first.

Then, I suggest using MenoLight™ as a safe option instead," Dr. Alvoiski said.

According to her, none of her patients has ever complained that it didn't work as they’d hoped.

Dr. Alvoiski thinks it's because she's very picky when looking for an alternative that helps with GLP-1.

"First, it has to have probiotic strains known to help with making more GLP-1, both directly and indirectly.

Second, these strains need to be in large enough numbers.

Third, the way it's delivered has to make sure these strains get through the stomach without being broken down.

Honestly, there are only a few options like this, and MenoLight™ is clearly the best.

Because it has prebiotic fibres, probiotic strains, and postbiotic enzymes, all delivered in a capsule that releases where it needs to.

In other words, this supplement has everything I was looking for," said the expert.

But Dr. Alvoiski also paused to talk about the one potential “side effect”. 

"The people I talked into trying MenoLight™ instead of Ozempic quickly noticed something they didn't see coming.

Along with less cravings and hunger, they said their digestion was better, they had less bloating, and far less stomach discomfort.

This is totally different from what people feel with Ozempic right away," Dr. Alvoiski concluded, smiling.

Try MenoLight as a safe weight loss alternative to Ozempic with free shipping and a 14-day money-back guarantee!

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If this capsule of yours is so good then why don’t you give away 3months of medication for free, shipping for free also instead of selling it? You people all say the same lies about your product. You make up comments of people saying that it is the best. Stop lying! Give it away and then let people try it for 3 months, and if it is as good as you say then ask to be paid for the for any future orders? I bet you won’t do it. You have to say bad things of other products so you can sell your product. Is your product FDA approved? I’m sure it’s not. You are no different than the other products. You say others are not the truth, to sell yours. You Foreigner’s are all the same. Lies!¡. I am going to be waiting for results of others compared to yours and see what their results. Let people try it absolutely free and free shipping for 3 months, then if it does work, then ask for money. Bet you won’t. You probably make up the great comments yourself just to make people trust you like all the other products out there. Stop lying . All you do is give the obese people something to hope about then are let down. Why should you be any different??

Maria G Vieira

Is this safe if on blood pressure medication?

frances jean maynard

i would like to know the answer to Judy W. in 2023. After 45 years that my thyroid was removed (cancer) I need help and all the Dr. s say is “your numbers are fine” bull s___t. now my numbers are not good, they do not know what to try next. going down hill fast. HELP !!!!!!! Frances M.

Diane Renkas

Is it a Keto diet?

Mary Seltun

I have been trying a lot of these things that show up on Facebook. How do I know yours are actually real?? The shots are too scary, too many side effects. I for some reason crave sugar, would this help with that?

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