Expert gynecologist discloses: “This 'Gut Bacteria Rebalance' Might Address Menopause-Related Weight Gain

Written By Jasmine Patel


Fact checked By Sophia Chang, MD



Last update November 17



6 min

Expert gynecologist discloses: “This 'Gut Bacteria Rebalance' Might Address Menopause-Related Weight Gain

Gut Bacteria Linked To Menopause-Related Weight Gain

Menopause can stir up a host of physical and emotional shifts that can be challenging for women.

But according to Dr. Shonali Darr M.D. in Gynecology, there's an often-missed stage that can start up to 10 years before menopause actually begins.

In this unavoidable part of life, many women notice they're putting on weight, especially around their belly.

So, they turn to their doctors for assistance. However, the tough truth is…

"Even the most renowned medical professionals can be left scratching their heads when it comes to tackling the menobelly bloat."

Dr. Darr says she knows this truth from her own long career. She's worked for more than 30 years with some of the smartest experts around.

This experienced gynecologist has met many top-tier physicians, famous for the seemingly miraculous medical solutions they’ve come up with. 

But even these talented doctors had a hard time finding a lasting fix for weight gain during perimenopause and menopause.

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"Dr. Shonali Darr has a clear message for all women:

Whether you've kept your diet and lifestyle the same…

Whether you've made changes to your eating and started working out…

Whether you're counting calories and avoiding late-night meals…

Whether you're gaining weight even though you're eating just salads…

Or if you're totally at a loss on what to do next…

The menobelly bloat is not your fault," she explained.

"Here's why starving yourself and choosing an active lifestyle may not work as well as it used to."

"When menopause starts, a woman's body rides a hormone wave. It changes everything in the body," Dr. Darr explained.

As women move closer to menopause, lower levels of estrogen triggers: 

  • Slower metabolism
  • Changes in how the body uses insulin
  • Changes in gut bacteria balance

These are just some of the ways your body changes during perimenopause and menopause.

But in most instances, weight gain is the biggest adversary facing women. 

Women's bodies don't respond to food and exercise the way they used to.

What used to help cut down weight doesn't seem to work as well anymore.

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Gynecologists have their views towards the “menobelly bloat.”

Instead of looking past menopause to figure out the exact reason women gain weight, they swiftly recommend hormone replacement therapy.

"But besides not really helping with weight loss, hormone replacement therapy can also be risky for women's health.

It can lead to heart disease, stroke, blood clots, and even breast cancer," Dr. Shonali  Darr shared her worries.

 “The list goes on and on. It's a shame that, even though we know so much more now than we did back then, doctors still don't understand the middle-age spread and its symptoms very well''. 

Apart from hormone therapy, women also try all sorts of things to lose weight, sometimes even without asking a certified doctor:

❌ They try extreme diets that can't be kept up with, also known as "crash diets." Women usually only last about 15 days on these diets and often end up gaining even more weight.

❌ They try to cut out certain foods, change their diet, and exercise. But because of slower metabolism and changes in insulin use, this doesn't work.

❌ They buy expensive weight loss supplements. But these don't work anymore because of the changes the body goes through during perimenopause and menopause.

"And when nothing seems to work, these women often ask me, 'what should I do now?'

To answer this, I had to learn more about the middle age weight gain." Dr. Darr explained.

Link between menopause, gut bacteria, and weight gain

In recent years, scientific studies have shown that the hormone estrogen has a role in almost every part of a woman's body.

Here's where things get interesting…

Lower levels of estrogen, along with things like antibiotics, diet, aging, and lifestyle, can hurt gut health.

When the gut bacteria balance changes in unhealthy ways, the gut microbiome changes.

The bad bacteria start to outnumber the good bacteria and this leaves the whole system in bad shape."

"Having unhealthy gut bacteria can raise the risk of very serious diseases and can also cause unexpected weight gain. But there's more to it," Dr. Darr said.

It seems like gut bacteria also help control the amount of estrogen in the body.

The time leading up to and during menopause can trap women in a cycle where…

Lower estrogen levels mess with gut bacteria, which then change the amount of estrogen in the body.

"That's why women going through the time before and during menopause have to work really hard to lose even a little weight," added Dr. Shonali Darr.

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Usual ways to help your gut health that might not work

"When I learned about the connection between menopause, the gut, and weight gain, I was fascinated. I decided to talk to some top experts in gut health," the experienced gynecology said.

After many talks, she made a list of ways to help gut health:

Eating only plant-based foods: Plant-based products contain many vitamins necessary for maintaining gut flora. But then care must be taken to keep the vitamins in check as it can cause deficiencies in other important nutrients like calcium, iron, vitamin B12, iodine, and selenium; leading to more problems.

Eating fermented foods: Some people say eating more foods like yogurt, kefir or cheese helps their gut health. But, many people also say they get much more gas and bloating, which makes them feel bad.

Eating foods full of polyphenols: This is another diet suggestion, but it can actually be risky. It can lead to problems like kidney damage, tumors, or even stroke and early death.

Taking probiotics you can buy at the store: While eating good bacteria might help gut health, it's well known that most probiotics don't survive in our bodies or come in a composition that work.

"I was shocked to find out that these solutions didn't work, only helped for a short time, or were even dangerous in some cases. But there had to be a solution. And as I found out later, there was," Dr. Darr explained

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"This 'Gut Bacteria Rebalance' turned out to be amazing."

One day while Dr. Shonali Darr was studying the link between gut bacteria and weight gain, she came across a discussion on a menopause forum. The discussion was about a new probiotic supplement.

"It wasn't a sales pitch. It was a real conversation between women going through perimenopause and menopause. So, I had no reason to doubt it," she said.

One by one, women praised this supplement. They said it was the most advanced probiotic available. It was called MenoLight™.

"I checked the ingredients. It really WAS the most advanced supplement I've seen. MenoLight™ included PREbiotic fibers, PRObiotic bacteria strains, and POSTbiotic enzymes. It was a full formula designed to REBALANCE gut bacteria.

I ordered a few bottles to try it myself. Within just a few days, it greatly helped my digestion problems, brain fog, bloating, and food cravings. I even lost a few pounds in the following weeks."

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"Taking just a few seconds each morning to swallow a small, tasteless capsule was all it took. I even dubbed it the '7-second gut bacteria rebalance,'" Dr. Shonali Darr shared her experience with MenoLight™.

In brief, after her positive personal experience with the supplement, she decided to recommend MenoLight™ to her patients. The outcomes were nothing short of remarkable.

"I was accustomed to hearing disheartening comments like 'I've gone up two dress sizes... I gain weight even from eating a salad... I don't even recognize myself anymore,' to name a few.

It was truly uplifting to witness these previously disheartened women finally shedding their midsection weight and improving their overall health."

However, as Dr. Shonali Darr herself stated…

"Don't just take my word for it, give it a try yourself."

The doctor added that weight gain is one of the most common issues related to the time before and during menopause.

And women are desperate for a solution.

Especially when previous effective methods no longer work.

"Yes, controlling weight gain is crucial, and a balanced gut microbiome can make a huge difference. But by improving their gut health, women can experience a host of other benefits. It could help alleviate or even completely resolve the following conditions…" she stated before listing these:

✅ Hot flashes

✅ Mood swings

✅ Digestive problems

✅ Low sex drive

✅ Food cravings

✅ Bloating

✅ Constipation

✅ Irregular bowel movements

✅ Poor sleep quality

✅ Slowed metabolism

"If you're experiencing any of these, enhancing your microbiome could improve your conditions. But one thing you can be sure of is that doing nothing will only make it worse.

I recommend that every woman takes a free quiz on MenoLight™’s website. This way, you won't have to guess if your issues, including stalled weight loss, are due to an overgrowth of bad bacteria in your gut.

In fact, it provides quite accurate results. I've tested it on myself and my patients," the M.D. concluded."

Take This 2-Minute FREE Quiz to Find Out if You Potentially Have Bad Gut Bacteria

Take Gut Health Quiz

Results may vary due to personal features



I found this supplement on my own while looking for advanced probiotics. To be honest, I feel so much better now. The bloating and the constipation are almost gone. I am struggling with stalling weight. 2 weeks with MenoLight now, and it seems that I have kickstarted weight loss again!!! Couldn’t be happier.

Ruth Anderson

It’s quite amusing, I noticed the MenoLight supplement popping up on the menopause forum as well. I went ahead and purchased three packages, eager to witness its effects on me. After reading this article, I know that I’ve made the right choice.

Irene M.

Interesting read!

Emma Reynolds

Does it work for post menopausal women?


I have tried almost everything, I have never been heavy until menopause, now I weigh more than I ever have and no matter what I do I can’t get rid of it.

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