After Many Failed Trials, Here's What I Did to Alleviate the Symptoms of Menopause and Shed Those Persistent Pounds

Written By Sarah Davis, MD


Fact checked By Elizabeth Clark



Last update December 16



5 min

After Many Failed Trials, Here's What I Did to Alleviate the Symptoms of Menopause and Shed Those Persistent Pounds

After Many Failed Trials, Here's What I Did to Alleviate the Symptoms of Menopause and Shed Those Persistent Pounds

I was always that kind of girl who didn't need to worry about diets or workouts... that is, until menopause set in.

At the beginning, I didn't want to tell people my story because it felt too personal and vulnerable

You see, no matter what you learn or what others say about menopause, I don't think you can ever be truly ready for what it throws at you.

Because I never thought menopause could make me feel as tired and upset as it did.

But the worst part was…. My weight was increasing for no obvious reason.

Only after trying all I could, did I discover a method to shed the ‘meno weight’ and keep it at bay for good.

And this method doesn't involve any fad diets, phoney medications, or even hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

In fact, it’s now my mission to get this knowledge into the ears of other perimenopausal and menopausal women! 

But first, let me tell you about the struggles I met on this journey (and which you’ll avoid):

I rapidly gained  on 30 pounds, and the doctor said this was normal.

"Wait! how can that be normal?" I recall my initial response.

I had been super skinny for 44 years without having to worry about calories or my food choices.

To be honest, even after having a baby I always maintained a 19 BMI. 

But when perimenopausal symptoms started creeping in, everything changed.

First, I went through extreme hot flashes and my skin got  terribly dry.

Then, I felt my mind and memory going a bit off.

And let's not forget a huge change in managing my emotions, or rather the struggle to manage them, to be frank.

But what shocked me the most was when I gained 30 pounds as if it happened in one night.

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When I turned 49, I weighed as much as I did when I was 7-8 months pregnant.

It was super hard for me because people always knew me as the "skinny one."

The validation I got from my toned body was starting to disappear!

I tried all I could think of, but it felt like the rules of the game had changed.

I say this because I used to lose a pound or two just by not snacking in the evening.

But there I was, in the middle of perimenopause, seeing other women who seemed slimmer and younger than me.

When actually, I was always the one who collected praises for my youthful appeal. 

I resolved to eat less, walk more, and try intermittent fasting! 

This regime helped me just a little bit with some of the menopause symptoms, like hot flashes.

But sadly, they didn't shave my paunch or tone my flabby thighs. 

I even tried low-calorie diets, which should have helped me lose a pound or two every week.

But every time I stepped on the scale, I found that I had gained another pound.

Thinking I'd never get to wear them again, I packed all my clothes in boxes - yes, it was that frustrating.

Honestly, if my doctor hadn't said this was all normal, I might have started hormone replacement therapy (HRT) right away.

But I'm happy I didn't.

Because I  learned that it can cause heart disease, stroke, and even breast cancer.

And that there's a totally safe way to ease menopause symptoms and lose all that extra weight.

The annoying menopause symptoms are caused by the reduction of two hormones, but  here's something that can increase them both.

Previous disappointments and the doctor's usual advice made me search for a solution on my own.

But, I only embarked on this extensive research journey after reading discussions around a particular supplement.

The endorsement it received from other women going through menopause, who stated it assisted in weight loss, reducing cravings, enhancing digestion, and boosting energy levels, piqued my interest.

And because I was a little skeptical, I wanted to know the million dollar question: WOULD IT WORK FOR ME? 

My research began with the product itself and led me to the cause of menopause symptoms.

Declining levels of estrogen and progesterone are the primary triggers for menopause symptoms.

These two hormones impact almost every function in a woman's body.

This includes the heart, blood vessels, muscles, skin, hair, brain function, mood, water retention, and... the gut.

What's really interesting is that there is a two-way connection between the latter (gut) and these two hormones.

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So, lower levels of estrogen and progesterone have a bad impact on your  gut microbiome.

Which then leads to a pronounced  decrease in the level of these hormones.

On the flip side, healthier gut has been found to increase these hormones.

Meaning it could then help with most of the problems related to menopause.

But how can any woman improve her gut microbiome?

Luckily, I already knew the answer because other women going through menopause said this supplement could do just that.

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I stumbled upon a conversation in a menopause forum, triggering a cascade of shared experiences from other women, much like this one:

"I've been using this probiotic supplement to aid my weight loss journey – I've managed to lose 9 pounds already."

Similarly, I shed 8 pounds within a month of  incorporating it into my diet.

What sets MenoLight™  apart is that it's more than just a probiotic.

Its composition includes prebiotic fibres, probiotic strains, and postbiotic enzymes.

As I started noticing improvements in my gut health due to this formula, it also alleviated my menopause symptoms.

The sudden, intense heat flashes that used to leave me soaked in sweat were  less common.

I was  more alert during the day and enjoyed uninterrupted sleep at night.

But the most significant aspect was the weight loss I achieved.

This is why I continue to rely on MenoLight™, even now.

To all the women who are struggling with menopause and the confidence-killing weight gain , I want to say, it doesn't have to be so challenging! 

MenoLight™ is not only 100% natural and gentle, it is also effective right away - and capable of improving your health (gut & otherwise) in the long run. 

Try MenoLight for stubborn weight and other menopause symptoms with free shipping and a 14-day money-back guarantee!

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Donna r

hav anyone tried MenoLight during post-menopause?

Janet Moon

yess Carol! I’ve been using these for a while and just came back and see that they are having the sale! Right timing!! Happy!


these actually look good


I stumbled upon this article by chance, and I’m so glad I did! Meno light sounds like something worth trying. Has anyone else here given it a shot?

Kathy Buoni

I can completely relate to this struggle. Weight issues since menopause have been incredibly frustrating for me too. The mention of Menolight caught my attention, and I’m definitely going to explore it before this discount expires

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