After Multiple Failed Attempts, this ‘Gut Bacteria Rebalance’ Accelerated My Weight Loss Journey

Written By Amanda Brown, MD


Fact checked By Jennifer Anderson



Last update November 21



5 min

After  Multiple Failed Attempts, this ‘Gut Bacteria Rebalance’ Accelerated  My Weight Loss Journey

After Multiple Failed Attempts, this ‘Gut Bacteria Rebalance’ Accelerated My Weight Loss Journey

I'm Janet. I'm 54 and, honestly, I've been battling with being overweight for pretty much my whole life.

But you know what? Something changed about 3 months ago and I actually started to shed some pounds!

Before this, believe me, I'd given everything a shot:

  • Shuffling from  one diet to  another, which ironically rendered my  metabolism sluggish, piling on the rolls & love handles. 
  • Hitting the gym several times a week, only to be left with aches and injuries.
  • Restricting my diet to a mere 800 calories per day, then giving up after a few gruelling weeks

Despite all my efforts, the scale just kept tipping upward.

Yeah, occasionally I'd lose a pound or two, but that was only after pushing myself to the limit. 

And as if on cue, the overwhelming hunger and irresistible cravings for food would always show up, making it impossible to keep the weight off.

I was at a loss, not knowing what to do next.

If you're feeling the same way as I did, then stick with me and keep reading my story.

I'm about to share how focusing on my gut health helped me shave the  pounds, when all the different diets and exercise routines alone didn't make a dent.

I instinctively felt that my excess weight was not a result of my dietary habits or physical activity.

I've always seen myself as someone who eats healthily. 

But I couldn't help but notice, (especially during my college years) that others seemed to be able to indulge in junk food, sweets, and drinks without packing on the pounds as I did.

I had to keep myself in check, count every single calorie, and sweat it out just to maintain my size.

I recall feeling like I drew the short straw or something, thinking maybe I was just unlucky with a sluggish metabolism.

But I had no idea what was in store for me down the line.

As time rolled on, it got increasingly difficult to maintain my weight, let alone lose any. I was in a constant battle to keep it from going up.

I hadn't changed a thing about my diet or lifestyle, yet I was slowly but surely gaining more and more weight.

In moments of despair, I'd resort to "crash dieting", but that only led to bouts of overeating and even more weight gain.

By the time I hit 44, little activities like climbing the stairs were leaving me breathless, and trying to have a chat while walking became a struggle.

But the thing that truly hit home was feeling like I wasn't being the mom my kids deserved. I couldn't run around and play with them the way they wanted, and it hurt.

It was disheartening to see that all the diets and workout plans that seemed effective for my friends simply falling flat for me. 

Battling fiercely just to shed a tiny bit of weight.

I could tell that something wasn't right.

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Is my gut potentially responsible for my constant struggle with weight loss and maintenance? 

Janet, surely this can't be it. You've given every weight loss diet, workout, and supplement a shot. And now what's this?" I recall my husband expressing his disbelief.

Despite teetering on the edge of surrender, I was still searching for a sustainable  solution.

One day, I unexpectedly came across a fresh topic in a weight loss forum.

There was a lively debate about a recent study showing the relationship between gut health and weight loss.

The study suggested that the makeup of our gut microbiome could be a key player in successful weight loss.

Then I stumbled upon another research paper. This one disclosed how our gut ecosystem changes due to factors like stress, aging, our diet, and lifestyle.

When harmful bacteria outnumber the beneficial ones, this imbalance, termed dysbiosis, can lead to various chronic ailments, including obesity.

Suddenly, it all made sense. This could be why it was becoming increasingly difficult for me to shed and maintain weight - even though I was eating well, sampling various diets, and keeping up with regular exercise.

Of course, the first thing I wondered was, "How can I improve the balance of my gut microbiome?"

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After a quick skim of the forum discussion, it looked like probiotics had been beneficial for women.

Initially, I was just as doubtful as my husband.

I'd taken probiotics before for bloating issues but hadn't seen any noticeable impact on my weight.

Still, one after another, women were sharing stories that sounded familiar.

So, without diving deeper into the research or comments, I dashed off to the nearest pharmacy and picked up a couple of packs of probiotics packages.

But then, to my astonishment...

My lack of thorough research was evident, and the result was an additional weight gain.

It was approximately 6 weeks later when reality hit me.

Certainly, my hunger and cravings for food had decreased, but it seemed my waistline had expanded even more...

How could that be?

Only afterward, did it become clear to me that I should have done my due diligence.  

Apparently, some strains of probiotics have been associated with weight gain.

And in addition to that, the gut microbiome might be stubborn against alterations. 

Gradually, one fact became clear to me - generic, over-the-counter probiotics just weren't going to cut it.

Many don't even make it past the stomach.

Some may offer short-term relief, like reducing bloating... But they lack the strength to alter or restructure the microbiome.

And the ones that do have this ability are far too costly for long-term use.

So, what I needed was…

A cost-effective, potent ‘gut bacteria rebalance’ that delivers long-lasting results.

The first time I came across this new probiotic supplement named MenoLight™, it had just hit the shelves.

I didn't really give it much thought. 

It seemed like one of those products making grand promises, targeting women like me - Women who've tried it all to no avail.

However, their free quiz caught my attention.

It didn't require any financial commitment from me, and it provided a free report assessing the likelihood of my gut bacteria hindering my weight loss.

How could I pass up on that?

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The free report provided clarity on why my weight loss and maintenance efforts had been unsuccessful. It all started to make sense.

Additionally, the charge for a three-month supply was less than what I would pay monthly for other probiotics making similar claims.

So, I opted to test out MenoLight™ .

It only took a few seconds each morning to consume the small, tasteless capsule. 

And in a week, I observed a reduction in bloating, and my energy levels spiked.

I mean, these were pleasant experiences, but it wasn’t my goal.

I was primarily interested in seeing if MenoLight™  could help me shed that persistent weight.

And it did! 

When I stepped on the scale a month in, I was greeted with an 8-pound loss!

Adding MenoLight™ to my dietary and lifestyle regimen seemed to jumpstart my weight loss journey.

Currently, it's been just three months, and I have a long road ahead…

But at last, gradually and steadily, I am losing weight, one pound at a time

Beyond the steady decrease in weight, my appetite, food cravings, and intestinal discomfort have shown marked improvement. 

I had become so accustomed to these issues that I couldn't picture myself feeling any better. 

But now I do. 

To sum it up, if you're struggling to lose weight, it's possible that your gut microbiome is the culprit.

That’s why, I recommend that you try the free quiz available on the MenoLight™ website.

Doing so will save you from having to speculate about the status of your gut bacteria balance.

And if it turns out they are imbalanced, you'll know exactly which steps to take moving forward.

Take This 2-Minute FREE Quiz to Find Out if You Potentially Have Bad Gut Bacteria

Take Gut Health Quiz

Results may vary due to personal features


Simone Mack

Dealing with the weight gain, hot flashes, and emotional shifts during menopause has been incredibly challenging. I never imagined that probiotics could make a difference, but now everything makes sense!

Anne Fitz

Gut bacteria is a big topic now, my friend recommended to read this article. Thank you and thanks her!


thank you, just ordered! Cannot wait!!!!

Allison T.

I’ve been using MenoLight for the past few months, and it’s been a game-changer for me during menopause. The weight management aspect is real, and I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my overall well-being. Highly recommend itt

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